Streetlights and Shadows

A new play by Becky Prestwich

10 April – 29 April 2007

“My Mum had a sister. She died, when they were kids. She doesn’t talk about her, but every May, when she sees the cherry blossom, she walks a little slower. She used to have a sister. I used to have Laurie.”

Manchester. A leafy suburb. A street, a stone wall.

A young girl sits on the wall, surrounded by flowers. Once, her best friend would have sat beside her. Now, she sits alone. People pass, life goes on. Until one day, a man comes. He sits down beside her, and keeps coming back.

Streetlights and Shadows is a play about grief and love; how they bring people together and keep them apart.

“Paul is endowed with a splendid, embarrassed ponderousness by O’Brien, while McMorrow nicely captures Jenna’s adolescent confusion... Prestwich’s suggestive script sketches intriguing connections... a bold piece of work that engages on many levels.”
★★★★ Time Out - Critics' Choice: Show of the Week
“Becky Prestwich's powerful drama... Emma McMorrow captures perfectly the solitude and vulnerability of Jenna... Alison Eve is outstanding... Prestwich has furnished her characters with convincing and consistent personal histories and the cast, under the careful direction of Adam Quayle, fleshes them out admirably in this genuinely moving piece.”
The Stage
“Thoughtfully directed by Adam Quayle, Streetlights And Shadows is a stirring and sensitive play... A gifted cast bring real depth to the four very different characters and at times the atmosphere truly becomes one of mystery mixed with enchantment.”
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Creative Team:

Director: Adam Quayle Designer: Georgia Lowe
Lighting Designer: Lawrence Stromski Sound Designers: Chris James and Mat Williams
Original Music: Chris Hope Stage Manager: Tine Lund
Voice coach: Joanna Corr Cast: Emma McMorrow, Andrew Scott Butler, Ian O'Brien and Alison Eve

Show Calendar

White Bear Theatre, London 10 April — 29 April 2007