Box of Tricks’ next project –Narvik – is the second production to come out of our New Tricks initiative and the second piece of our 2015-16 Season. Like Plastic Figurines, Narvik has undergone a sustained period of research and development: from a 15 minute version at Everyword 2013, through research trips to Imperial War Museum North and the Maritime Museum, a workshop week and sharing last year to a rehearsal draft ready for actors to bring to life. In fact, it’s the longest and most in-depth R&D process for a project I’ve ever been involved in and I’ve loved every minute!
It’s been a delight to immerse myself in the true stories of naval veterans that have fed into the world we’re presenting on stage, and working so closely with a team of talented musicians throughout the process has been a joy, even if it has left me feeling like I should have tried harder with clarinet lessons at school!
With rehearsals beginning in just under a month we’re getting to the really exciting point in a project when you realise that the many creative chats with cups of coffee over previous months are now becoming reality. We’ve assembled our creative team, got our cast, flyers and posters are being printed and tickets are on sale! All that’s left for me to do is compile a holiday reading list of books about the Navy, Norway and the Nazis and brush up on my warm-up games!
Hannah Tyrrell-Pinder
NARVIK runs at Liverpool Playhouse Studio 8th September- 19th September. Book tickets here